Sunday, February 10, 2013

Seed Starting!

So while everybody on the East Coast is busy digging themselves out from the latest Nor'Easter, we were cruising down the highway...

Listenin' to Buffett
Kindly make note of the outside temperature ;-)

A quick trip to the chiropractor to get knocked back into shape.  Then back home and run-out to the garden to see if I can't UN-do all the good the chiropractor just DID!

60* isn't exactly balmy - but it was adequate for garden-chores in shorts and a tank top (and a flannel overshirt!) - as long as I stayed in the greenhouse and/or kept moving!

You never tire of looking at my brassicas, do you?!
(Ohhh - you should be ashamed of yourself!)

Remember these?

Well, I kinda decided - today - that they weren't gonna plant themselves!

Of course, I couldn't possibly plant ALL of them.  So my "Seed Hoard" got edited down, significantly.  Nevertheless, I think I'm gonna end up with PLENTY of babies in a few weeks!

Gourds and Cukes and Squashes
("Oh, my!")

And Eggplants and Melons and Maters
(although not as many 'maters as you might expect!)

I setup two flats on two heat-mats with one thermostat..

Now, we wait and see how it goes!  I haven't rigged up any lights in there yet, but I'm sure I will.

I am definitely calling this "Progress" toward a Most Successful 2013 Gardening Season!


  1. Look at you! You're definitely ahead of me!

    I don't think that greenhouse knows what it has coming :)

  2. Oh, I have NO doubt that you will not only catch-up, but FAR surpass me with your garden this year!

    I wouldn't even attempt to compete!
