Friday, September 14, 2012

Buffett in Boise (Happy Times!)

Okay, I'm taking a break from my recent "whining" episodes.  Gonna talk about something HAPPY for a change!


"Yes, REALLY!"

And here you were feeling all superior because your life didn't suck as much as mine, huh?!  J/K!

So, I think I've mentioned - at time or two - that I am a BIG Jimmy Buffett Phan.  Yeah, the jpg from a Tailgate Party wasn't a clue, right?!

I've managed to see at least ONE show from every tour starting back in 2001 ("A Beach Odyssey").  I've actually kept a list of all the shows I've seen - but it's pasted on the wall of my cube which is - pretty much - a "shrine" to my Buffett-Craziness!  Tee-shirts and Concert Tickets and Stuffed Parrots (including a VERY LOUD, VERY VOCAL Pirate-Parrot, made in China with misspelled "Press Boton" button!), I used to have an inflatable Hemisphere Dancer plane dangling from the ceiling - but I bought that home to the Tiki Shack!...

Annnnywayyyyy, Jimmy SKIPPED California on his 2011 "Welcome to Fin Land" tour (GASP!), but we did get to see that tour in Arizona (Ashley Home Stores Pavilion is a freaking awesome venue, BTW.  Rush-hour traffic notwithstanding!).  And then, he continued that Tour into early 2012 and I got to see TWO California Shows!  And - Thanks to the Latitude 38 Parrothead Club, I got to hang out with the COOL Phreaks and even got my SECOND appearance on The Big Screen by way of the "Parking Lot Video."  Okay, that's my car - but they panned up to my face, k?!

So I got to see the "WTF" Tour three times - Yay!

Well, he has since started his "Lounging at the Lagoon" Tour.  Haven't seen that one yet - and no more California Shows scheduled.  He's doing two Vegas shows in October - one week apart - and he usually "sandwiches" a California Show (or two) between them.  Not so, this year.  He is playing Seattle and Boise instead.

Now, given my druthers, I would've preferred to go see him in Seattle.  Maybe hook-up with "Who" - my work buddy who actually turned-me-onto Buffett in the first place.  But - I'll be flying home from Mexico that day.  I'm flying-in early enough that I could "conceivably" still hop on another plane and head-up further north.  But seriously - who wants to do that?!

Hmmmm....  Does my love of Buffett surpass my HATRED of the state of Idaho?!! (I know it's probably not fair to "hate" a state.  But I have my reasons...  And that's a long, boring story [actually several stories] that I won't share right now!).  Wellll...  Hubs has TONS of SW Frequent Flier Miles to burn, so what-the-hell, right?! Let's take a couple days off of work and fly up for the Boise Buffett Show!

Tix went on-sale at 10:00am Mountain Time, today.  Buttttt...  I am a Member of the Parrothead Club!  Wonder if any "perks" go along with that?!!

WooHOOOO!!!  Turns out that - YES! - There *are* perks for being a card-carrying member of a Parrothead Club!  I posted an inquiry to the Lat38 PHC board...  Mentioned that we were thinkin' of heading to the Boise show and "is there any chance I might be able to score PHC tix, rather than 'fight with the masses' to order tickets online?!"

Couple of phone calls, and several emails later, I have scored us preferred seating for the Boise Show!  BEFORE they went on sale to the general public!  Definite "SCORE!"

No clue exactly "where" the seats willl be - probably not front-row - but they'll surely be Very Good Seats!  And we'll be seated with the Treasure Valley Parrotheads (Like-minded Loonies!).  Seems like there might be "official" PHC Tailgate Parties, too.  But since we are flying-in the day of the show, I doubt we'll be able to join-in the madness.  Plus, I'm not sure if anyone sells "flannel-lined Aloha shirts!"  Might be useful, since I'm expecting we'll freeze our @$$es off, up there in October!

Hell, just getting to see Buffett again in October (thereby EXTENDING "My Summer") - that's good enough for me!

Sooooo....  Here's HOPING that my upcoming trip to the Dreaded State of Idaho will "break" my run of (EXTREMELY) bad-luck with that state!

Naw - I am seriously HAPPY that we scored tix and I am TOTALLY looking forward to this.

Come to think of it - I've got LOTS to look forward to (despite the "end-of-summer-blahs").
  • We've got the San Benito County Fair coming up at the end of this month - where I will be purchasing a 4H/FFA pig - and splitting the meat with Friend-Finny.

    Finny, by the way, is in the process of starting her own business!  If you are in the Silicon Valley area and want to learn how to grow your own food, Check her out!
  • Then a week later, we are flying down to SoCal to hook-up with some of Hubbie's relatives...
  • Then a week-or-so after that, College-Bud-D and I are ditching our spouses and I'm flying to Mexico for a Girl's-Only Long Weekend of looking at Artsy Fartsy Sh*t and talking about "Hormones!" (Par-TAY!!!).
  • Then a couple days after that, we're hopping a plane to Boise to see Buffett!

So, yeah, I guess it really doesn't "Suck to be me," after all!  Busy-Busy few weeks ahead of me (and GAWD do I hope this Hellish-Humira actually WORKS so I can do it all!!!)



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