Thursday, November 3, 2011

Buh-Bye Summer Yard :-(

Well, as I whined-about mentioned yesterday, I freaking HATE winter!!!

Today... Well, most of the day anyway, looked pretty "decent" outside. Of course, WORK (:::gasp:::) prevented me from being able to go outside and *appreciate* it! But I digress!

When I finally *did* manage to wrap-up my workday (4:00pm - a full *hour* late for the dogs' dinner - and don't think I didn't hear-about-it from the Canine Crew!), I couldn't help but notice that things, outside, had gotten extremely gray and blustery!


I went out to bid adieu to my "Summer Veggies:"

"Adios, Amigos! And Muchas Gracias for a simply AWESOME Summer Harvest!"

And I yanked-off everything "salvageable" from the vines...

One over-ripe cuke (How did I miss that???), one slightly under-ripe cuke
and several 'Maters (in varying stages of ripeness)...

Then I moved several other "marginal" plants over against the "behind-the-Tiki-Bar" East-Facing wall...

And shrouded 'em in a bed-sheet

Boooo!!! I am "Officially Sad!"

There was NO Tiki-Bar Lazing, nor poolside Margarita-Sipping - dammit! In fact, while I was enshrouding the Plumies, there was *water* falling from the sky!!!

I did manage to stow ONE of my thatch umbrellas in the shed (the Tiki Bar umbrella is just too heavy for me to wrestle!). I also managed to drag a couple of potted palm-trees *under* the gazebo. I haven't, yet, dragged ALL of my "marginals" into the greenhouse. In fact, I haven't even rigged-up the heater, nor thermostat, in the greenhouse - YET (Oooops!). Nor have I dragged the majority of my "stuff" into the shed.

I think I might require the assistance of "Rent-A-Son Services, LLC" this coming weekend, to complete my Winterizing Efforts. I've sent a txt message to C (aka "Rent-A-Son-Services"). I'm hoping he can show up on Sunday to assist....

Man, I freaking HATE winter!!!

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