Sunday, September 18, 2011

Renovation Ramblings - Chapter VI: Color Conundrum Solved

Alllllrighty then! ANOTHER busy day!

Last night, I checked out the wall colors in artificial light (grant you, it's a more "yellowy" light than what our new light fixtures will emit...), and I decided that the Martini Olive was just a tad *too* bold. It would end up being oppressively dark in there if I had that shmeared on ALL of the walls. The blue looked *much* friendlier!

Although, in the bright, early-morning light, the blue is REALLY-REALLY BRIGHT (like, grab my sunglasses bright!) But that was with no window-treatments. Incidentally, the bathroom window is the only south-facing window we've got, so it really is the brightest room in the house.

Anywaaaaaaayyyyy, if it's too bright, we can just lower the matchstick blinds in the morning. Overall, I really think that the Blue Green Gem is the *best* color choice. And, in the evening and early-morning light(s), I was able to see that the blue *did* pick-up the light-blue tiles in the mosaics and *did* look like a good match. I think (HOPE) I'll be happy with it!

I didn't bother trying to snap pictures - Droid (or even the "good camera" for that matter) really can't capture the tone adequately...

I made a quick-trip to Big Lots, first thing this morning. Their latest ad had a relatively inexpensive "Tablet" PC / e-Reader that runs on the Android Platform. Before I got my Kindle, I had purchased a couple of Google eBooks (that I was trying to read on my Droid [first generation] phone). Well, Google Books don't transfer to Kindle...

Anyway, I wanted the Android Tablet and I *needed* more plastic, see-through bins to complete my Bathroom Purge. So I was there, right at opening time. Made my purchases and wandered back home...

Bathroom is now "mostly purged!"

This is the corner where all of my sh*t is usually piled up

I *really* don't like the Harlequin pattern (so I'm kinda glad my sh*t covers it - most of the time!)

All three sections of the Medicine Cabinet are EMPTY!

Empty, but not clean.

I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of dust during the job, so I'll probably have Aida do a massive dusting, once the job is done.

Hardware/Towel-Racks/Gee-Gaws have been removed...

And holes have been spackled

Bathroom has a noticeable "echo" now!!!

I even emptied out under the sink. I left some stuff in some of the lower cabinets/lower drawers, and I'll ask the workers to mask it off completely (if they can).

The Linen Closet...? Welllll... There is just WAY too much sh*t in there (and no place to put it!), so I've pulled out anything/everything I might possibly need, and I'll have the workers mask that off, as well. Hopefully it won't get *too* terribly dirty in there (although it is SOOO jam-packed, I'll probably only need to remove/clean the very TOP layer of "stuff" in there!!!)

I plan on taking a Super-Long shower tonight, and hope to squeeze in one FINAL shower, tomorrow morning, before The Gang shows up to start demolition. I'm bracing myself for being without a shower for appx a week-and-a-half (Ewwwww!).

Luckily, the weather has been quite nice, lately, so I *could* dive into the pool to remove the "surface stench." And, I'm past-due for "blondification" so I figure I can schedule a hair appt around Weds to get my touch-up *and* get my hair washed!

I had contemplated calling one of the local Health Clubs to see if I could do a "one-day membership" or something - just so I could gain access to their showers! (Or Worst-Case: I could get a hotel room, but I really don't want to spend THAT much money!).

Slightly OT, but I'll get back on track!:

Friend DV called me yesterday. She basically wanted to extol my culinary prowess, and went on-and-on about how WONDERFUL my Peach-Spice Jam was, and share how she'd used it. Her hubbie is a BIG Fisherman and they always have an ample supply of salmon on-hand. Apparently they grilled up some salmon with a mild Cajun Spice and then, toward the end of cooking, they shmeared on some of my Peach-Spice Jam and cooked it up. "Fan-f**king-tastic" (I think those were her words!)

She also put it on crock-pot Pork Roast (again, toward the end of cooking). In both cases, she proclaimed it was "Orgasmic." She said the added spices/sweetness really "made" the dish! So - if you ended up making a batch of that particular jam, there are a couple of "alternative" uses for it. Me? I just love it on buttered toast, but now I wanna try it on pork!

Honestly, I think it sounds so good (and I am *already* running low on my stockpile!), I may just hit-up the local Farm-stand to see if they still have fresh peaches. If so, I may whip up another batch!

Anyway - I digress (So what else is new?!!). As we were chatting, she asked "What's New?" and I told her about our upcoming bathroom reno. Well, bless her heart, she TOTALLY offered up her shower - "Every day, if you want!" Well, I don't want to be a nuisance (but then, stinking up the whole house could be viewed as a different type of nuisance, yes?!). I figure I'll pack up my toiletries and a towel, and head over to her place every-other-day. How Cool!

(Yep. I *am* the type of person who HATES to ask for ANYTHING! But, when it's offered, I'll more than likely accept!)

So... Tomorrow's the Big Day! Destruction starts first thing in the morning, I'm sure. I'm hoping I'll have my "revised estimate" early, as well... Wish me Luck! (I hope I don't need it!!!)

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