Sunday, August 21, 2011

Low-Sugar Peach Blueberry Pie

Yesterday's harvest necessitated a bigger bucket than usual!

Peaches and 'Maters a-plenty!

Wahhh-Wahhh-Wahhh - What am I gonna do with all these #$%& peaches?!!

Actually, we are nearing the end of the peach harvest, so I don't think there will be any more peach-jams. But I think I've got enough to make a couple of pies!

One dozen peaches - ready for blanching
Is that gonna be enough, I wonder???

So I pondered the possibility of *not* having enough ripe peaches for two pies and consulted the Great Oracle, Google. Found a recipe for Peach-Blueberry Pie here. Had to run to the store anyway and found a big basket of blueberries on sale. Okay, that'll woyk! (although - for the record - I do want to plant my own blueberry bush at some point!) (If I can find room, that is!)

What follows is my "adaptation" of the aforementioned recipe.

Low-Sugar Peach-Blueberry Pie - Makes 2 x 9" deep-dish pies

  • Appx 1 dozen fresh-picked Peaches. You ultimately want to end up with 10 cups, coarsely chopped.
  • 2 cups fresh Blueberries
  • 1/2 cup granulated Sugar
  • 1 cup granulated Splenda
  • 5 Tbs quick-cook Tapioca
  • 2 Tbs Lemon Juice (Bottled is fine)
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 4 Tbs Butter
  • Pie-crusts for 2 @ 9" Deep-Dish Pies - with crusts for the top as well (I totally cheated and went with frozen, pre-made for the bottom crust, and bought a package of pre-made, rolled-up, refrigerated crusts for the tops)

Pre-heat your oven to 425* F. While the oven is pre-heating, take your frozen pie-crusts out of the freezer (if you're a cheater like me!) and let 'em start thawing. Peel, pit and chop your peaches. See my Peach-Jam Post for blanching/peeling instructions here. You want to end up with 10 cups, coarsely chopped. Drizzle the Lemon Juice onto your peaches to keep 'em from browning.

Rinse your blueberries. Pick out any squishy nasty ones and remove any stems you happen to find. Add the blueberries to the peaches and mix it up.

Add the sugar. At this point, I had to split everything in half because my bowl wasn't big enough (and I was too lazy to drag out the Big Mamma-Jamma Bowl!). Measure out your sugar and add it to the peach/blueberry bowl(s). Let 'em sweat for appx 5 mins. Then add the Tapioca, Splenda and Salt. Stir it up and, again, let 'em set for another 5 mins.

I was debating pre-cooking the crusts for a few mins in the now-hot oven. I chose not to (I'll report back, later, as to whether or not that was a good idea!).

Spoon your Fruit/Sugar/Splenda/Tapioca Gooze into the pie crusts. Pile it up 'til it's "mostly even" with the top of the crust (it can mound-up a teeny bit - but don't overfill 'em - otherwise they'll gooze out!). Daub little blops of butter on top of the fruit mixture.

Next, carefully unroll your top crusts and lay them over the tops of the pies. Pinch the edges with your fingers. Here's where I'm a little sloppy - but I'm all about the "FLAVOR" moreso than the "Prettiness" of the pies ;-)~

Anyhooo... You mainly want to make sure you seal the top crust to the bottom crust - as best you can - otherwise, you'll be doing some serious scrubbing!

Then cut vent holes in the top crust. Put 'em on a baking sheet (so - hopefully - you'll only have to scrub the baking sheet and NOT your entire oven!!!). Put aluminum foil around the edges of your pies (so they don't burn), and slide everything into the oven.

Appx 35 mins into cooking, the pies will start to brown, on top. Open your oven and remove the foil edges. Close it up and cook for another 10-15 mins 'til everything is Golden Brown!

Take 'em out. Let 'em cool. Then ENJOY!!!

Random Pics below....

I am a Pie-Crust Cheater!!!

Mixing the fruits and sugar (and tapioca and Splenda)
Filling the crust and daubing with blorps of buttery goodness!

Ready for the Oven!

And INTO the oven!

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